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Information governance

The faculty has appointed Information Governance Guardians (IGGs) and Information Governance Co-ordinators (IGCs) across the Schools and Faculty Function offices. These roles replace the Data Protection Guardian role and you can find the name of the IGG or IGC covering your Division/Office in the tables below.

Faculty Office and PS

Faculty Office /PS IGG IGC 
Compliance and Risk Fiona Marriage  
Faculty Office/NHS Liaison Shirley Hannan  
Research, PGR and Business Services Fiona Marriage Lynne Macrae
Student Experience   Shirley Hannan Annmarie Entwistle
Communications,Marketing and Student Recruitment Shirley Hannan Stephanie Shaw
Technical Services/Core Facilities Fiona Marriage  
Imaging Facilities Denise Ogden  
NIHR Clinical Research Facility Fiona Marriage Jian Wu 
The Royal College of Surgeons Shirley Hannan  
MAHSC Clinical Trials Unit TBC  

School of Biological Sciences

Division/Area IGG IGC
SBS lead and School Operations Helen Haslam Mousawi
Julie Teague
Student operations Kerry Mycock  
Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Sciences Helen Haslam Mousawi
Julie Teague
Linsey Nelson
Cell Matrix Biology & Regenerative Medicine Helen Haslam Mousawi
Julie Teague
Evolution, Infection & Genomics  Helen Haslam Mousawi
Julie Teague
Helena Collins
Immunology, Immunity to Infection & Respiratory Medicine Helen Haslam Mousawi
Julie Teague
Kirsty Heydon
Molecular & Cellular Function Helen Haslam Mousawi
Julie Teague
Debbie Smith
Neuroscience Helen Haslam Mousawi
Julie Teague
Debbie Smith
Education (PGT) Kerry Mycock Kelly Salimian
Education (Assessment and Progression) Kerry Mycock Shelley Bass
Education (Placements, Distance Learning, Careers) Kerry Mycock Anne Pinkerton
Education (Student Support, DASS) Kerry Mycock Louise Stewart
Education (Curriculum Management) Kerry Mycock Shelley Bass

School of Medical Sciences

Division/Area IGG IGC
SMS lead and School Operations Michelle Fox  
Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Diane Simmons
Michelle Fox
Laura Watson
SMS Admin (including PG) Diane Simmons
Michelle Fox
Lynne Greenhough
Medical Education & CHSTM Diane Simmons
Michelle Fox
Lynne Greenhough
Cardiovascular Sciences Diane Simmons
Michelle Fox
Dentistry Diane Simmons
Michelle Fox
Paula O'Grady
Developmental Biology & Medicine Diane Simmons
Michelle Fox
Catherine Doyle
Diabetes, Endocrinology & Gastroenterology Diane Simmons
Michelle Fox
Catherine Doyle
Cancer Sciences Diane Simmons
Michelle Fox
Will Venton

School of Health Sciences

Division/Area IGG IGC
SHS lead and School Operations Karen Goodson  
SHS Teaching, Learning & Student Experience Chris Bamford TBC
Health Informatics (within IIDS) Vacant - TBC  

Pharmacy & Optometry

  Victoria O'Reilly

The Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) in the Division of Pharmacy & Optometry

Gareth Cosens  
Psychology & Mental Health   Grant Boyle
Psychology, Communication and Human Neuroscience   Grant Boyle
Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences   Rajeshree Rana
Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work   Sarah Moxon and Cacia Percival
Population Health, Health Services Res & Primary Care   Rajeshree Rana



CRUKMI Caroline Wilkinson David Stanier

Further information can be found on the University Information Governance Office pages:

Information Security & Data Protection online training

We are all responsible for protecting the personal data that individuals have entrusted to the University. Failure to do so can result in significant harm and distress to the individuals whose data we hold, lead to reputational damage to the University and regulatory fines. 

There is an ever-present risk that any one of us could become the victim of a cyber-attack. There are many simple but important steps outlined in the training that you can take to help keep your information, and University systems, safe and secure.

The mandatory Data Protection & Cyber Security course (LAOD152) (refreshed and launched on the 11th October 2022) is available on Blackboard. All staff are required to complete this training.

New Starters are automatically enrolled to a bundle of essential courses which includes Data Protection & Cyber Security course, information on accessing this course and other frequently asked questions can be found on the Information Governance Office Training and Support page.