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Reward and recognition

Purple Place

Visit the University rewards and benefits platform to access a range of benefits, including national discounts and cashback, campus and university discounts, the Cycle to Work scheme and top tips for mindfulness and wellbeing.

You can also access all the great Purple Place discounts on the go by downloading the SmartSpending app on the  App Store  or  Google Play. You must activate your account via the  Purple Place website  before you are able to access your account via the app. 

Send an e-card to a colleague

Send an e-card to a colleague to recognise their achievements. Your card will be shared on the Purple Place Social Recognition Wall.

Thank You scheme

Use the Thank You scheme for those occasions where the actions of an individual or a team are worthy of being recognised. You can nominate members of staff in other Teams and Directorates, and gifts may include flowers, chocolates or an extra one-off day of annual leave. When choosing a gift consider what the member of staff would enjoy, and plan for a budget of between £25 and £50. 

Nomination process:

  1. Contact the nominee's line manager outlining the reason for the nomination (no more than 250 words);
  2. The nominee's line manager will submit the relevant documentation according to their Directorate guidelines.

Rewarding Exceptional Performance 

The University's Rewarding Exceptional Performance policy rewards two types of performance by members of Professional Services staff:

  • Exceptional performance: Where a member of staff has undertaken a one-off task or project work;
  • Sustained exceptional performance: Where a member of staff has made an exceptional contribution which has been sustained for a period of at least six months and is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. 

The Library has a central process for managing the Rewarding Exceptional Performance (REP) process through Directorate Management Teams. Informal advice on this process can be requested by emailing the Librarian's Office. If you would like to nominate yourself or a colleague, please speak to your line manager for further guidance. 

Rylands Awards

The annual Rylands Awards are presented at the Library Staff Conference. The awards cover a range of categories, and any Library staff member can nominate a Library colleague for a Rylands award. The nomination form is shared towards the end of the academic year. 

See last year's winners. 

Long Service award

Staff who will reach 25 or 40 years continuous service  with the University of Manchester (which may include continuous service with either of the legacy institutions) will have their contribution marked with a choice of £400 worth of gift vouchers or a one off award of five days of additional annual leave (pro rata for part-time staff).

Find out more about the Long Service award.