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Faculty Committee

What is the Faculty Committee?

Chaired by the Dean, the Faculty Committee provides a forum for consideration and discussion of strategic issues and developments, including overall Faculty performance, the performance of our three Schools, learning and teaching, the student experience, research matters and social responsibility, and, in particular, their implications for the work and activities of colleagues.

The Committee also have the right to express an opinion directly to the Senate or to the University Board of Governors if the members wish it. 

The Faculty Committee comprises a mix of ex-officio and elected colleagues, plus three students as follows:

  • Graham Lord, Vice-President and Dean
  • Allan Pacey, Deputy Vice-President and Deputy Dean
  • Our Vice-Deans - Jennifer Hallam for Teaching, Learning and Students, Mahesh Nirmalan for Social Responsibility,  Andy Trafford  for Research and Innovation, and Keith Brennan for Internationalisation and Vice Dean for Health Care Partnerships [name tbc]
  • Our three Vice-Deans and Heads of School - Simon Hubbard for SBS, Andy Brass for SHS and Tony Heagerty for SMS
  • Eight members of Academic and Research staff elected by members of the Faculty (including their tenure from 2020 to the 31 August on the year indicated):
    Dianne Burns, SHS (2022-2025)
    Danna Gifford, SBS (2023-2026)
    Gloria Lopez-Castejon, SBS (2024-2027)
    Antje Heinrich, SHS (2024-2027)
    Janine Lamb, SHS (2023-2026)
    Manny (Emmanuel) Oladipo, SMS (2023-2026)
    Carsten Timmerman, SMS (2023-2026)
    Anne White, SMS (2022-2025)
  • Four members of Professional Services staff elected by members of the Faculty:
    Kelly Salimian, TLSE SBS (2024-2027)
    Peter Reid, Technical Services (2023-2026)
    Helen Robinson, Faculty Office (2023-2026)
    David Knight, Core Facilities (2024- 2027)
  • One student
    FBMH Officer [name tbc] (2024-2025)  

In addition, the Executive Director of Faculty Operations is Secretary to the Committee.

Have your say

Join in conversations on strategic issues on our Yammer group. We'd love to hear from you.

Minutes and upcoming meetings

The elected members

The elected members are your voice on the Committee. Our aims are:

  • To be approachable
  • To represent everyone's views
  • To promote consultation with our senior leadership team on issues of strategic importance
  • To be open and transparent

How to get in touch

Please contact any of the elected members, contact details are included below.

Elected academic and research staff

Dianne Burns

Areas: Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work


Dianne's profile

I am a senior lecturer/health care professional (SHS) and Academic Lead for Staff Development within FBMH, currently leading the Pedagogy Development and LEAP programmes for staff across the Faculty. I am also Programme Director of the PGCert in Medical and Health Education (SMS).

After joining the university in 2003, the various successful leadership roles I’ve had at UG/PG/staff development levels have centred around my passion for leadership, teaching and enhancing student learning experience by improving the quality of teaching provision.

I will bring to the committee that extensive experience and expertise including my deep knowledge of the factors that support or inhibit excellent teaching practice with an aim to promote inclusivity and development opportunities for all.

Danna Gifford

Areas: Early Career Research, International Staff, Evolution, Infection and Genomics.


Danna's profile

I am a lecturer in evolutionary microbiology in the School of Biological Sciences. I joined the university in 2016, first as an early career researcher (ECR), eventually progressing to a lecturer role in 2022.

As an ECR, I encountered numerous challenges, particularly concerning the precariousness of short-term contracts, and navigating the Higher Education landscape as an international staff member. These experiences motivated me to join the Faculty Committee, where I could advocate for the interests of early career researchers and international staff, ensuring their voices were heard and their concerns addressed within the university's governance structure.

By joining forces with like-minded colleagues, my aim is to ensure that the concerns and needs of ECRs and international staff are acknowledged and actively addressed within the university's governance framework. My decision to become a part of the Faculty Committee stemmed from a desire to effect positive change and foster an inclusive and supportive environment for all members of the academic community.

Antje Heinrich

Areas: Human Psychology, Communication and Human Neuroscience, Teaching and Learning.


Antje's profile

I am a member of the School of Health Sciences (SHS) in the Division of Psychology, Communication, and Human Neuroscience. I engage in both lab-based discovery research and clinical translational work. As Senior PGR Tutor and a supervisor on various PG programmes, I am closely involved with postgraduate teaching, research and welfare. Through my involvement with the School PGR committee I contribute to the running of PGR programmes at SHS School level. 

I joined the Faculty Committee in 2021. In my position I provide a link of communication between those who are responsible for planning and rolling out initiatives across FBMH and the staff on the ground. Recently these developments have included the work contribution model, discussions about introducing apprenticeship programmes, the roll-out of the student experience programme and the five-year. As an elected member of the Faculty Committee, I strive to inform colleagues about the latest developments on faculty level, for instance by attending staff meetings in different Divisions. I also aim to elicit feedback from staff on how well these initiatives are implemented and what issues might have arisen. As group of elected members we meet regularly to see where similar challenges exist across Divisions and Schools and combine and coordinate efforts to bring concerns and challenges to the attention of the Faculty Leadership Team. 

I have greatly benefitted from joining the Faculty Committee. Not only have I developed a closer rapport with the colleagues in my Division as someone who informs them about faculty-wide developments and takes their concerns to the FLT, but I have also developed much closer relationships with colleagues, both academic and non-academic, across other Divisions and Schools in FBMH. Moreover, I feel much better informed about the strategic considerations behind developments at School and Faculty level.

In summary, this position allows me to work with colleagues across a range of subject areas and job families, on issues that affect staff across FBMH.

Janine Lamb

Areas: Genomic Medicine, Teaching and Learning.


Janine's profile

Being a member of the BMH Faculty Committee enables me to raise and highlight matters of interest and concern to staff and students to the Faculty Senior Leadership Team. Working with other elected members of the Faculty Committee, we endeavour to influence and effect positive change. The role also gives me a broader perspective and understanding of matters of operational and strategic importance to the Faculty, including future planning, and the constraints within which we operate. Our discussions relate to people, finance, and performance across FBMH teaching and learning, research and social responsibility, including across organisational structures.

I am Reader in Complex Human Genetics/Genomics (T&R) in the School of Health Sciences. I bring to the committee my extensive experience of postgraduate teaching, as a Programme Director and Unit Lead, and experience from previous roles as a Centre Lead and an elected member of Senate. Through my research, I have successfully mentored and supported the career development of junior staff and students.

Emmanuel (Manny) Oladipo

Areas: Clinical Communication, Teaching and Learning, EDI.


Manny's profile

I’m a lecturer in clinical communication and currently academic lead for clinical communication for the MBChB programme. I studied medicine at Manchester, graduating in 2014 before practicing in the northwest for a few years. Having nearly quit medicine for various reasons, I found a way back through medical education and I’m now coming to the end of my third year as a lecturer. I have an interest in how the creative arts, particularly poetry, can be used to enhance reflective practice and wellbeing, develop empathy, and teach communication skills. I write and perform spoken word poetry myself and have developed a workshop “Poetic Reflection” to support others to use poetry in their own practice.

Being able to do our job well matters, to staff, the students we teach and many others beyond. I want to contribute to a forum that enables staff to thrive in their roles. I believe supporting the wellbeing of staff is the best thing we can do for our students. Alongside this, I want to bring ethnic minority voices, particularly black voices, experiences, and contributions to places of influence, to better reflect our diverse faculty.

Carsten Timmermann

Areas: Medical Humanities, Teaching and Learning, Social Responsibility.


Carsten's profile

I am a historian of biomedical science, based at the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, which is part of the Division of Medical Education in the School of Medical Sciences. My first training was in biochemistry, followed by a PhD in History of Science, Technology and Medicine. I have worked at the University for two decades, initially for ten years as a postdoctoral researcher funded by the Wellcome Trust on a series of fixed-term contracts, and since 2011 as a Lecturer and later Senior Lecturer. 

I teach undergraduate and postgraduate units in History of Biology, Medical Humanities, and History of Mental Illness. In my research in recent years I have focused mainly on the history of cancer research and cancer therapy. My most recent book was a history of the oncology drugs developed by the multinational pharmaceutical company Hoffmann La-Roche and its subsidiaries. 

I have worked with many colleagues in different contexts: as Course Unit Coordinator for an SBS undergraduate unit, Programme Co-Director for the MSc in Medical Humanities, standing in as Divisional PGR Tutor and ESRC DTP Pathway Lead, and as Academic Lead for the Museum of Medicine and Health within the Social Responsibility team. I am a member of the University and College Union (UCU).

I was a member of Senate from 2004 to 2010.

Anne White

Areas: Endocrine Sciences, Graduate Education, Business Engagement.


Anne's profile

My reasons for joining the Faculty Committee were to find mechanisms for solving issues that are causing staff problems, by liaising with the Faculty Leadership Team. The two statements I hate are “it can’t be done” and “we’ve always done it this way”.

In terms of what I have got out of it, I have enjoyed the camaraderie of the Elected members who meet once a month on Zoom. Our meetings are efficient as we don’t have a lot of time but members are willing to take on challenges. There are always good ideas on how we can present our cases to Faculty committee. The meetings we have with the Senior Leadership Team are always constructive and we are usually able to decide on a process to follow up on the problems and try to solve them. Sadly, changes in staff and other Faculty priorities have stopped or delayed some of the items we have pursued which is frustrating.

As Professor of Endocrine Sciences, my area of research is stress hormones, diagnosis of hormone secreting tumours and neuropeptide networks implicated in obesity. 

I am very committed to graduate education and as the first Associate Dean for Graduate Education in the Faculty of Medical & Human Sciences, I developed the structures for graduate support and training. I was subsequently University lead for the national professional doctorate for healthcare scientists. 

I have considerable experience collaborating with companies. I have developed and licensed monoclonal antibodies to diagnostic companies and previously held a Royal Society industry fellowship based at Astra Zeneca. This gave me experience which led to my role as Associate Dean for Business Engagement in the Faculty of Life Sciences where I have also had posts as Division Head and Section Head. 

As a previous member of Senate, I championed discussions in the Faculty and at Senate about the need for better communication. I am very committed to supportive organisational structures for staff success in all spheres of the Faculty.

Gloria  Lopez-castejon



Gloria's profile

I am a Senior lecturer in Inflammation at the School of Biological Sciences. I joined the University in 2007 as a Postdoctoral research Associate, later established my lab with a Welcome Trust Sir Henry Dale fellowship and progressed to my current role in 2023.

I have extensive experience in research project supervision from UG to PGT level, including master and PhD students as well as Postdocs and I am currently a UG and PGR cohort advisor. I am very interested in improving research culture, something which I would bring to the committee. My experience as an international research and teaching academic (and non-native English speaker) will also enable me to advocate for this particular staff group at the committee.

Elected members of professional services

David Knight

Areas: Technical Services, research data management


David's profile

I started my science career as a school leaver in the equivalent of an apprentice technician role, obtaining my degree and PhD part time whilst working in a UoM spinout company, Medeval Ltd. I have worked my way through the ranks and now run the Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility and provide leadership for Research Data Management. I am passionate about getting better representation and visibility for all levels of Technical Services from Technical Apprentices to Technical Experts.

Being part of the Faculty Committee is a great way to gain a greater understanding of the Faculty level decision making that impacts on all of us. Achieving change is difficult and understanding how the University works is critical. Being part of the Faculty Committee has allowed me to contribute to Faculty Leadership discussions on areas such as Technical Career Development, the Technical Review and implications of the Oracle upgrade.

If you care about your community and want to increase its visibility and representation then I strongly recommend you think about joining the Faculty Committee. It is a friendly and supportive environment and a great way to find your voice and develop the leadership aspect of your career.

Helen Robinson

Areas: Cross Faculty Networks, External Web.


Helen's profile

The Faculty Committee has given me a much better understanding of the complexities and considerations involved in running such a large Faculty, and the wider University. It gives the opportunity for PS staff to engage with academic colleagues and student representatives to find out the concerns that are being raised across the Faculty as a whole. I've found it really interesting!

I believe the Committee is a valuable forum for two-way communication with the Faculty's Senior Leadership Team, and the issues the elected members raise are always seriously considered and valued by the full Committee.

Being on the Committee doesn't take up a lot of time. There's an elected members' meeting once a month for an hour, and the main Committee meeting each quarter for 1.5 hours.

As a Web Officer, I have a good overview of our Faculty and work with lots of researchers, Faculty teams and groups, and other networks across the University.

Kelly Salimian



Kelly's profile

As Teaching and Learning Manager my role is at the forefront of a number of areas that the Faculty Committee are involved in. I have oversight and awareness of teaching and learning requirements, implications as well as involvement in the development of our teaching portfolio for UG and PGT. This includes cross school and cross Faculty ways of working to ensure that PS, academic and student experience related matters are at the centre of any decisions that the school are involved in.

With over 20 years’ experience at the University, I have a breadth of knowledge on key matters within the school.

Peter Reid



Peter's profile

I am a Senior Technical Operations Manager with a strong technical background currently covering the OCRB, Proton Bream Therapy Centre and the new Paterson building whilst line managing TOMs in Wythenshawe, Salford, AV Hill, St Mary’s and WMIC.

Instrumental in the move to Alderley Park and the sole Faculty client representative on the Paterson Redevelopment Project working with CRUK MI and Christie Trust.

My background demonstrates that I have experience of the scope and complexity of the  Faculty and its activities, representing at the highest levels of management.  I understand the needs of researchers and promote a dynamic relationship between PS Technical Services and academic research.

Name tbc

Elected student