Last chance to have your say on race equality
29 Nov 2022
Race Equality Charter survey closes on Friday, 2 December

We invite you to share your views and experiences of race equality at our University in our Race Equality Charter (REC) survey.
The survey is for everyone to complete regardless of race or ethnicity, and all responses will be completely confidential.
The University of Manchester is committed to addressing racial inequalities and creating an inclusive culture and environment where individuals are able to thrive, irrespective of their race or ethnicity.
Insights gained from the REC staff survey will highlight where progress has been made as well as where ongoing barriers, differential experiences and discrimination still exist. Responses will inform the action plan developed as part of the REC process to ensure that the University is a great place of work and study for all its staff and students.
This is an important time for the University – the new EDI strategy provides focus and continued momentum following our progress to date. However, we recognise that there is more to do and at pace. Please be assured that your views shared in the REC survey will be heard and will feed into meaningful actions that will bring about change for the better.
The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and will close on Friday, 2 December.
Paper surveys will be available for teams with limited IT access. If you or your team require paper surveys, please contact the Directorate of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
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