Hidden Disabilities Sunflower scheme
11 Jan 2023
In December 2021 the University joined the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme, a globally recognised scheme that makes invisible disabilities visible.
The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower scheme exists to support those with non-visible disabilities such as autism, chronic pain, dementia, sight, or hearing loss. Wearing the Sunflower lanyard enables individuals to discreetly indicate that they have an invisible disability and may need additional assistance, kindness, or simply a little more time.
The University recently marked one year of joining the scheme and has a number of locations where you can pick up a Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard. The Library also wanted to raise awareness of the scheme and the meaning behind the Sunflower logo.
The Library Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group secured funding from the Imagine2030 budget and has now purchased a number of Hidden Disabilities items, including lanyards (both supporter and Sunflower), supporter pins, Hidden Disabilities information and stickers to put up at each of our Library sites. This is both to show our support for the scheme to our visitors and to give Library staff who have a hidden disability access to a lanyard if they wish to wear one.
Lanyards and pins will be available for Library Staff to pick up at the Main Library Staff Room and the Rylands Staff Room. White lanyards and pins are available for Hidden Disabilities supporters, green Sunflower lanyards are provided for those with hidden disabilities. There are also Sunflower lanyards at Library site Customer Services desks for members of our University to pick up.
To accompany the lanyards, the scheme has cards available for invisible disabilities that describe the disability and the support that may be needed. This is an example of the Hearing loss card, but more disability cards can be found on the Hidden Disabilities website. If you wish to wear a lanyard and would like a specific card for a disability, please contact Esther Miller. Items will be purchased as long as the budget allows.
We are encouraging all staff to watch a short video to increase your knowledge of the scheme (please click 'enrol' in the left panel to access the training module). The video explains the meaning behind the Sunflower logo and what you should do if you come across someone who needs assistance.
Any questions, please get in touch with Esther Miller or contact Mark-Taylor Hutchinson with any questions regarding the items at Rylands.