Maintaining and continuing our lifelong learning
02 Nov 2022
Support your career development with resources for continuous learning

"Lifelong learning is defined as development after formal education: the continuing development of knowledge and skills that people experience after formal education and throughout their lives.” (Encarta, 2008)
The basic premise of lifelong learning is that it is not feasible to equip learners at school, college, or university with all the knowledge and skills they need to prosper throughout their lifetimes. We have numerous resources to enable our staff to learn exactly as and when they need it and to plan ahead for their career.
Learning is continuous and most of it happens on the job and not in the training room. You may have come across the 70:20:10 model that suggests that individuals obtain 70% of their knowledge from job-related experiences, 20% from interactions with others through social learning, including coaching and mentoring, and 10% from formal education and training. Understanding this is critical to your development.
Building our self-awareness is key in understanding how others perceive us, and can provide a basis for significant personal growth. Two frameworks and related tools have now been established for current and aspiring leaders and managers:
In addition to the numerous resources available within Learning and Organisational Development you can also access funding for HE/FE courses and short external training courses through our HE/FE and ET funding schemes
Why not use this handy Personal Development Plan resources to start planning your future learning?
Learn, lead, progress
L&OD would like to share resources, ideas, guidance and opportunities to support your development and career progression.
Learn, Lead, Progress will cover various learning topics to ensure you have access to the most relevant and up to date learning as we move through the year.
More information
- Continue your learning with our online self – development platforms
- Take a look at our L&OD webpages
- Get involved with L&OD on Yammer
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