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Post and Contract Management

Changes to PCM process coming soon

In mid-June a new online Employee Change Requests Hub will launch across the University. This will replace the Post Contract Management (PCM) form as the route for employee change requests – including contract extensions, changes to funding, or changes to hours.

Find out more

Staff should use the Post and Contract Management process for the following:

  • Advertising an existing post
  • Changes to contract (i.e. move to part-time hours)
  • A post funding change
  • To set up or appoint to a post without advertising
  • To recruit casual or agency staff

These arrangements apply locally across the Directorate for the Student Experience (DSE) and are supplementary to the University’s Staff Recruitment and Selection Process.

PCMF submission for approval

  1. The Recruiting Manager to complete the Post Contract Management Form (PCMF), currently an excel spreadsheet template is being used for this part of the process.
  2. All PCMF requests should be submitted to The form must include HERA profile for all new posts.
  3. The DSE Directorate Office will collate requests and submit for approval to the Director for the Student Experience and then to Finance and the Registrar as appropriate.

Following approval

1. The DSE Directorate Office will send the approved spreadsheet to the relevant manager in People and OD.

2. The DSE Directorate Office ( will send notification to the Recruiting Manager that the post has been approved and will confirm the DSEPCMF Approval Sheet No.

3. Recruiting Manager should send a request to with any additional information e.g. job description and advert, where to advertise and interview panel details (if known) at time.

Email Subject line: For advertising:  Grade X, Job Title, DSEPCMF X and DSE reference


Email Subject line: Contract Revision – Individuals Name, DSEPCMF X and DSE reference

4. People and OD will confirm to Recruiting Manager who is processing the case.

5. People and OD will confirm when case is complete and case closed.