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PDS Opportunities

See below for the unique funding opportunities available to our President Doctoral Scholars.

The PDS Conference Presentation and External Development Funds will open for the 24/25 round of funding on Thursday 1st August 2024.  

The PDS PGR Network Fund 24/25 will be available soon. 

PDS Conference Presentation Fund

The Manchester Doctoral College (MDC) are now accepting applications from PDS researchers who require funding in order to travel and present their research at national or international conferences.

Who can apply?

If you are currently registered for a doctoral degree at the University of Manchester and in receipt of a PDS award you are eligible to apply. If you are in a submission pending period (writing up period) or have submitted your thesis you are unfortuantely unable to apply.

You MUST be presenting a paper or poster at a conference in order to be considered. You should refer to the PDS Development Fund for funding to attend conferences where you are not presenting.

You can’t apply retrospectively. The conference date must precede the application date.

How much, and what can we apply for?

The PDS Conference Presentation Fund will assist with the costs of travel, conference registration fees and accommodation expenses, and are intended to supplement your own contribution or funds from other sources. 

- You can apply for up to £750.

- You can only successfully claim ONCE under the PDS Conference Fund per academic year.

- You will not be able to claim again within the year if your application does not reach the maximum limit.

How to apply

Applications should be submitted online.

You can submit your application at any time. All applications will be subject to review by members of MDC and decisions will be communicated within 10 working days. 

 As part of the application, you will be required to:

  • Give a full breakdown of all relevant expenses ensuring that they are as accurate as possible (please note that any award made will be based on the estimated costs and if the actual costs incurred are lower than the amount stated, the award will be reduced accordingly).
  • Convert costs in a foreign currency to pounds sterling.
  • Upload proof of your acceptance to present at the conference.
  • Give explicit details of any other funding sources you have applied to and will be using e.g. personal funding, RTSG etc.

All applications will be reviewed by members of the Manchester Doctoral College Strategy Group and funding decisions communicated within 10 working days. 

If successful, how will I receive the funding?

How you receive the funding may vary depending on the nature of the expenses. It is likely though that payment will have to be made via an expense claim. Successful applicants will need to make payments in advance and then reclaim the award amount. Receipts/evidence of personal expenditure will be required. A member of MDC will liaise with you on an individual basis to organise these payments.  

Please Note:

  • Awards will only be made where the costs can't be covered by other sourses e.g. any Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) available to you. 
  • Any awards to successful applicants are not transferable and apply only to the researcher and conference stated on the application.

Further information

Please contact cc


PDS External Development Fund

The Manchester Doctoral College (MDC) are now accepting applications from PDS researchers who require funding in order to take advantage of external personal and/or professional development opportunities.

For example, you can apply for funding to attend external training courses/workshops and/or funding to attend conferences and symposia in a networking capacity (if you require funding to attend a conference as a presenter please see the PDS Conference Presentation Fund.

Principles of the scheme:

  • All applications must be endorsed by your Supervisor and you will need to confirm their support on the application form.
  • The activity must not already be available via University providers such as Researcher Development, My Research Essentials, Research IT, Masood Entrepreneurship Centre, Translation Manchester.
  • The activity should be relevant to your current and/or future needs as researcher or to your future career.
  • You will need to confirm that the costs can’t be covered by any other internal source such as a Research Training Support Grant (RTSG).
  • Applications must be made prior to the start of the activity (retrospective applications can’t be considered).

How much can I apply for?

You can apply for up to £500 annually. Where costs exceed this amount additional costs must be met from other sources.

When submitting an application, you will be expected to provide explicit details of any other funding sources you have applied to and will be using e.g. personal funding, RTSG etc.

What will the funding cover?

Funding can be used to cover course fees, attendance fees, travel expenses and accommodation costs.

We will not provide funds for items directly related to your project which should be otherwise covered.

How to apply

Please complete the online application form.

You can submit your application at any time. All applications will be subject to review by MDC and decisions communicated within 10 working days.  

If successful, how will I receive the funding?

How you receive the funding may vary depending on the nature of the expenses. It is likely though that payment will have to be made via an expense claim. Successful applicants will need to make payments in advance and then reclaim the award amount. Receipts will be required. A member of MDC will liaise with you on an individual basis to organise these payments. 

Further information

Please contact cc

PDS PGR Network Fund

The PDS PGR Network fund is currently not accepting applications. 

The MDC team will be sending out details of the fund at the start of the 2024/2025 Academic Year.

What is a PGR Network?

A PGR network is the coming together (both physically and virtually) of PGRs from different research areas. We want you to establish a groups of caring, dedicated PGRs who are committed to supporting each other. The networks should bring together PGRs from all areas of the University who may already be linked in some way e.g. by a shared cross-faculty research area or a shared characteristic.

Some examples:

  • PGR Parents and / or Carers Network
  • PGR LGBTQIA+  Network
  • International PGR Network  

You can apply for this fund as an individual or a group but the proposed network lead must be a registered PGR for the duration of the funding period. 


What are the aims of the PDS-Led PGR Network scheme?

The scheme aims to enrich the PDS and wider PGR experience in 3 ways:

  • Wellbeing and health: being a PGR can be challenging and isolating…the networks will allow PGRs to take a break from their immediate research spaces and help them to cultivate their interests / passions.
  • Inclusivity: the PGR community can be divided and the experience can sometimes be isolating. Meeting PGRs from different departments and backgrounds can be difficult. The networks will help break down these barriers and increase opportunities for PGRs to meet and socialise.
  • Professional Development: to provide PDS PGRs the opportunity to develop their project management, budget management and leadership skills by taking on the role of a PDS PGR Network lead.


How much funding can I/we apply for and what can I/we spend it on?

The maximum is £1000 for the initial funding period of 6 months.

How you spend any funding is largely up to you (see below), but as much detail as possible should be included on the application form. 

  • Things we can fund: event costs e.g. catering, venue, equipment hire, guest speaker fees/expenses. Please note that network leads are encouraged to ‘Keep it on Campus’ and use University facilities and providers wherever possible.
  • Things we can’t fund: we can’t pay network leads for their time.


How to Apply?


Please complete the application form.

You will be asked to demonstrate how the Network meets the criteria / aims detailed above and give detail on the total funding required and a breakdown on how it is to be spent.

All applications will be subject to review by MDC and decisions will be communicated within 10 working days.


Are there any other expectations?

We've produced guidance here to help you in managing your network.

It is expected that PDS-Led PGR Network leads will submit a short report at the end of the funding period. A report template will be provided.

Successful networks will get the opportunity to re-apply for further funding annually beginning from the 2023/24 academic year. 


If successful, how will I/we receive the funding?

How you receive the funding may vary depending on the nature of the expenses. It is likely though that payment will have to be made via an expense claim. Successful applicants will need to make payments in advance and then reclaim the award amount. Receipts will be required. A member of MDC will liaise with you on an individual basis to organise these payments. 


Further information

Please contact, cc