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Accepting an award

Notification of Award

As Principal Investigator (PI) you may receive notification of an award directly from the Funder, in which case a copy of the documentation should be forwarded to your RSS Team in your Faculty/School. 

Research Council funding notifications are sent directly to the Head of the Research Office, and disseminated to the relevant RSS Team and PI by the Research Operations Team.

Check for funder changes

Awards may differ from the proposal, so you will need to check the funding notification for changes, particularly to the budget, duration, and/or work specification. If the funder has imposed changes you will need to consider whether the research can be conducted within these new limits.

If you are happy to proceed, the RSS Team will consult with you regarding any amendments that need to be made.

Who accepts the award?

Following consultation with the PI, the RSS Team from the submitting school will formally accept the award on behalf of the University and the PI. PIs are not authorised to sign on behalf of the University. If an award is accepted by a PI, it will not be valid.

As the PI, you may be required to complete a Funder acceptance form. These forms will vary between Funders and will require the authorisation of the University and/or the Principal Investigator.

Research Council Starting Procedures

Please be aware that the Research Councils follow specified starting procedures. Failure to comply with these procedures, within the defined timelines, will put your funding at risk.
The cross-council starting procedures are outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Research Council fEC Grants.

Does your proposal include any external collaborators or subcontractors?

If your research project includes any external collaborators and/or subcontractors, you may need a contract research contract. Your RSS team will help you with this and you can find further guidance here.

If due diligence checks are required, they will need to be completed before the contract can be signed. Again, your RSS team will help you with this and you can find further guidance here.

How do I get a research account code?

Your RSS team will help you with this and you can find further guidance here:



Awards Mobilisation

Awards Mobilisation Plan Guides and Resources

Award Mobilisation Plan Master Document

Awards Mobilisation for Researchers Training Course

Awards Mobilisation for Approvers Training Catalogue


Awards Mobilisation Service Design

Visual Guide to Awards Mobilisation Plan and Milestones

Awards Mobilisation Plan for Researchers Guide

International Risk Checks

When to Create an Award in Pure

Awards Mobilisation Milestones in Pure

Awards Mobilisation Early Account Code Approval

Awards Mobilisation Funding Change Approval

Awards Mobilisation FAQs

What is Award Mobilisation?

Award Mobilisation is the point at which a grant application has been awarded by a funder or a contract negotiation is nearing completion. Before a research project can begin certain tasks and activities must be completed to mobilise the award and ensure it is set-up correctly and is financially open for spend. These tasks and activities are generally completed by Research Services (RS), Research Finance (RF) and the Principal Investigator (PI). Other PS teams may be involved as well, such as P&OD, Contracts Teams, Compliance and RIsk and Technical Services. 

What improvements have been made to Award Mobilisation? 

Feedback from researchers and PS colleagues raised issues with transparency of the key processes and information needs and delays to award set-up, so we have focused on these areas to make improvements in both the transparency and speed of set-up via: 

  • Awards Mobilisation Plan (AMP) - On obtaining a funded research award or during negotiation of a funded research contract, PI’s can expect to receive an awards mobilisation plan (AMP) within five working days of the award confirmation or following approval to proceed with a research contract. The plan will highlight key T&Cs, all the processes which need to be completed and any gaps in information that need to be addressed to start the project. The plan will include an estimated timeline for concluding each of these activities and the key contacts for the team’s supporting mobilisation of the award.  

  • Proactive Touch Points - Additional proactive touch points with RSO and PI throughout the award set up to discuss ongoing activities and problem-solve to ensure that activities remain on track to set-up and start the project. 

  • Milestones – The introduction of Milestones in Pure will track key award activities allowing researchers to track when tasks have been completed and by whom, e.g., Award Acceptance, Early Account Code Approval, Finance Code Activation etc. 

  • Service Quality Manager – A Research Services Quality Manager has been appointed to support service quality monitoring, training, service development, further stage-based reforms, and management of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Awards Mobilisation ensuring these service improvements deliver the benefits of improved transparency and quicker award set-up.  

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – the introduction of two KPIs to improve timescales of activities taking place at award set up (Awards Mobilisation Plan and Finance Code Activation).