Are your details up to date? Review your personal information within MyView
14 Jul 2022
A reminder that a new digital process for submitting HESA details has been announced

Colleagues are encouraged to visit MyView, our self-service portal, to complete their Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) return and review and update their existing personal information.
This new digital process for submitting your HESA details is part of People and Organisational Development Operations continuous improvement to regularly review how they can support colleagues better.
Submitting your HESA details and checking your personal information such as your address, emergency contact and bank details are up to date means that we have an accurate representation of our employee’s details.
What do I need to do?
All colleagues need to log into their MyView pages, and under ‘My details’ you can complete your relevant HESA form under the heading ‘My HESA details’.
There are five forms to choose from and details about the type of staff that should complete each form are shown below:
- Form 1 - Teaching, and Teaching and Research (Non-Clinical)
- Form 2 - Research, including Experimental Officers (Non-Clinical)
- Form 3 - Teaching, and Teaching and Research (Clinical)
- Form 4 - Research (Clinical)
- Form 5 - All other Employees
We are requesting that forms are completed by the end of July 2022.
Why is this important?
The University has a statutory requirement to report data to the HESA. HESA curates one of the world’s leading HE data sources and provides an open source of HE information.
The HESA details collected via MyView forms your HESA Staff Record, which in turn forms part of the HESA Staff Return (records are anonymised before being included in the return).
We submit our HESA return annually and it is important to demonstrate our contribution within the HE Sector, as HESA collect, assure, analyse, and disseminate data and information on all aspects of UK higher education.
We will remind you on a regular basis to review your information within MyView to ensure we always have an accurate record of your details.
More information
- If you require more information or have any questions, please contact the People and OD Workforce Information Team.
- HESA at the University