Submit your question for the PSLT open meetings
27 Feb 2020
All staff are invited to submit questions in advance of the open meetings

Patrick Hackett and the Professional Services Leadership Team (PSLT) are hosting two open meetings:
- 2.00-3.00pm on Tuesday, 3 March in Lecture Theatre B, Roscoe Building
- 10.00-11.00am on Friday, 6 March in Lecture Theatre B, Simon Building
Following staff feedback you can submit your questions in advance of each meeting via Slido, using the event code #OM03 (Tuesday, 3 March) or #OM06 (Friday, 6 March). Joining instructions and the Slido feed will also be displayed at each event.
All colleagues, even if you can’t attend the meeting, are encouraged to submit a question using Slido. A member of the PSLT will aim to respond to each question. To allow them to do this, please ensure you leave your full name – this will be published on Slido alongside your question.
How to use slido
- Visit
- Enter either of the following event codes #OM03 (Tuesday, 3 March) or #OM06 (Friday, 6 March)
- Add your full name
- Type your question and click send
More information
- Ask your question on Slido for Tuesday’s meeting using the event code #OM03
- Ask your question on Slido for Friday’s meeting using the event code #OM06
- Sign up - all staff open meetings
- Outstanding questions from previous meetings