UMSA Weight Watchers meetings
17 Aug 2011
Contact UMSA if you are interested in attending weekly lunchtime meetings - they can only be arranged if enough people sign up in advance.

UMSA members have shown an interest in setting up lunchtime Weight Watchers meetings in the UMSA Staff Lounge.
We are in the process of getting the meetings up and running, but we require approximate numbers before Weight Watchers will formally set this up.
If you are looking to lose weight in a controlled environment and with added support these meetings will suit your needs. The meetings will be at lunchtime, so there's no need to lose valuable time after work. Weight Watchers offers a simple, healthy and sustainable way to lose weight and keep if off that fits around real life and is based on an integrated approach to food, activity, behaviour change and support.
Weight Watchers meetings are open to all staff of the University, plus friends and family. All meetings will be held in the UMSA Staff Lounge, Dover Street Building (next to Jabez Clegg), Dover Street.
If you think you may be interested in attending weekly lunchtime meetings, we need you to confirm this with us: meetings can only be set up if we have enough people attending.
To confirm your interest in Weight Watchers, please email:
If you require further information, please email or ring:
- Alison Turner on 275 2335