Fundraising for The Teenage Cancer Trust at FoodOnCampus!
08 Jul 2011
There will be collection tins at all FoodOnCampus outlets from July to September 2011 (and again from January to March 2012) to raise funds for the Teenage Cancer Trust in Manchester.

We would be really grateful for donations of any spare change (or more!) for this fantastic charity that supports so much in this area.
The Teenage Cancer Trust is a charity devoted to improving the lives of teenagers and young adults (16–24 year olds) with cancer. The Teenage Cancer Trust funds the country’s only Professor of Teenage Cancer Medicine, John Radford, based in The School of Cancer and Enabling Sciences at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in South Manchester.
John, together with Teenage Cancer Trust funded clinical senior lecturer, Martin McCabe, leads research into why young people get cancer and how best to treat it - ultimately improving diagnosis, treatment and survival rates. Most of the work is based at the local Young Oncology Unit at The Christie which was set up with funding from the Teenage Cancer Trust.
The Teenage Cancer Trust not only provides research funding to The University but also funds a Nurse consultant and a Youth Support co-ordinator at The Christie. These posts are dedicated to ensuring teenagers with cancer in the North West receive the best possible care and support in an age appropriate environment.
If you have any queries about the work that The Teenage Cancer Trust supports in Manchester, please feel free to contact:
- Kate Vaughan, Manchester Teenage Cancer Trust Programme Manager, at