The University of Manchester – Strategic Vision 2020
04 Jul 2011
Introduction by the President and Vice-Chancellor with link to full consultation document.

The University of Manchester is a remarkable institution with a rich history and a proud record of achievement. Our University aims for excellence in all that we do, but that excellence embraces application, accessibility and diversity.
We have played a major role in shaping the modern world and we retain the energy and drive to be a progressive force for change. This fits well with the City of Manchester, of which we are proud to be a part.
The successful merger of 2004 created a forward-thinking and ambitious university that now offers an unparalleled breadth, depth and strength in research and learning opportunities.
Our task in the next decade is to build on this rich heritage to create an even stronger university that is amongst the very best in the world at research, offers superb learning opportunities and makes a real contribution to society.
Planning for the future is a difficult task, particularly in these uncertain times, but it is something that we must do if we are to maintain the forward momentum of the last few years and make the University even better.
This document sets out to do just that by laying out a clear vision of what the University might look like in 2020 and by being explicit about our strategic priorities and the challenges that we face. It also proposes some ambitious targets and new structures and initiatives.
The document in its current form which has been informed by my senior colleagues, is now the subject of a widespread consultation across the campus:
- Draft Strategic Vision 2020 (PDF, 176.05 KB)
I will be asking for formal feedback from all Schools and Directorates across the University but would also welcome views and ideas from any member of staff. As before, please send your comments to by 30 September 2011.
Nancy Rothwell
President and Vice-Chancellor