2009 University of Manchester Student Satisfaction Survey
21 Apr 2009
Information for staff on biennial survey launching on 22 April

The biennial University of Manchester Student Satisfaction Survey launches on Wednesday 22 April.
Covering all aspects of the student experience, and open to all students, the UoM Student Satisfaction Survey is a vital source of information and feedback from students about the quality of their experience here at Manchester. It is designed to act as an indicator of overall satisfaction or dissatisfaction, enabling the different parts of the University to explore in more depth any issues which arise in their particular spheres of influence.
There are a limited number of compulsory questions in each section of the survey. The answers to these questions form part of the University’s Key Performance Indicators. KPIs are used to measure progress towards 2015 objectives, and feed into the annual Operational Performance Reviews.
You can find out more about the Survey, including results and action plans from the previous surveys held in 2005, 2006 and 2007, online at:
In addition to prizes for individuals, the School which achieves the highest response rate to the survey (as a percentage of the number of students in the School) will win £1000 from the University to be spent on something which will benefit all their students.
Please encourage students to take part in the survey and make their voice heard.
Results will be published towards the end of the summer.