Ofsted praise for AMBS apprenticeship programme
30 Nov 2022
Alliance Manchester Business School’s Executive Education programme receives praise from Ofsted

Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) has received a positive Ofsted report for its Executive Education Senior Leadership Apprenticeship, commending its “ambitious curriculum”.
The Ofsted report, which follows a monitoring visit, highlights AMBS’ commitment to the programme, the way the School works with businesses, and the way the scheme applies its teachings to real life business issues.
It also mentions the skill of tutors and lecturers, and compliments them for actively encouraging students’ professional development. Colleagues were also praised for their ability to instil students with values which are conducive to “authentic leadership behaviours.”
The initial visit from Ofsted is designed to assess readiness as a provider, in advance of a future full inspection. As part of this initial visit, Ofsted inspect three key areas: leadership and governance, learner progress and impact, and safeguarding. The programme achieved the top result for “significant progress” in two of the three areas, something that is considered extremely rare for a first inspection.
About the programme
A Senior Leader Apprenticeship is a funded qualification in Senior Leadership created to deliver a standard of leadership excellence that is nationally recognised.
The programmes are designed to help experienced middle managers develop and transition into more senior leadership roles. It is highly regulated and the University is subject to inspection from the ESFA (Education Skills funding agency) and Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills)
The University of Manchester began to recruit apprentices, funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency, in January 2019.
There are currently 419 apprentices on the level 7 senior leader apprenticeship standard, many of which are employed by the NHS.