Flexible Learning strategy endorsed by Senate
16 Nov 2022
Learn more about our future direction and join the staff open meeting on Thursday, 1 December 2022

Over the past year, the Flexible Learning team has spoken to staff and students across the University, working in partnership to create a plan for a flexible future that works for our colleagues, and current and future students.
The resulting strategy, endorsed by Senate in October 2022, sets our direction towards increased flexibility over pace, place, pathway and practice, giving our students greater control over how they learn, while offering staff more support in creating inclusive, accessible and international learning that works across delivery modes.
It is underpinned by an approach of enabling, rather than enforcing, change. Our aim is to put in place the processes, infrastructure, policies and support that will allow us to be agile and adapt with minimal friction as the world changes around us. We will also create space for innovation, and work with colleagues across the University to pilot ideas and explore new approaches that put flexibility at the forefront of everything we do.
The strategy sets out the fundamental changes in mindset and culture necessary to achieve the ambitions of the University's Our future vision and strategic plan. It also defines the dimensions of flexibility that will frame this work and provides a five-year plan of action that will enable and embed our flexible future.
Key changes in mindset
We will prepare our graduates for an increasingly digital world that demands agility, creativity, and digital proficiency by embedding the following changes:
Flexible pathways
Flexible pathways better support learners’ aspirations at every stage of their lives. Our programmes will fit around learners’ work, family and personal commitments, allowing study at any time and, importantly, at a pace that works for them.
Design and delivery by team
We will offer colleagues more support in designing learning that works for a diverse audience and can be delivered via various modes. Expert support from skilled instructional and learning designers, multimedia creators and experts in accessible design will be on offer to teaching staff to create effective, flexible content, shifting ownership towards a more collaborative design and delivery model.
Flexible first
We will support students and staff to develop their digital skills, producing interactive digital learning resources that work whether students want to join us on campus or remotely, and a seamless and accessible digital infrastructure.
Join the open meeting
Colleagues will have the opportunity to learn more about the Flexible Learning strategy at a staff open meeting taking place on Thursday, 1 December at 2pm.
You can submit questions before the session during registration, or ask a question in-person during the event.
Places are limited to 300 people. For those unable to attend, the session will be livestreamed and recorded.
Please note, the Zoom link will be circulated prior to the event via email to those who have registered.