New pay uplift to be implemented from 1 August 2022
20 Jul 2022
Uplift of up to 9% for those on lowest points of pay spine with minimum uplift of 3%

As you may know, the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), representing 145 participating higher education employers - including The University of Manchester - conducts collective pay negotiations with the five HE trade unions.
Negotiations took place between March and May 2022 through the Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES).
UCEA made a final offer in early May* of an uplift of up to 9% for those on the lowest points of the pay spine, with a minimum uplift of 3% for all those on or above Spinal Column Point 20.
UCEA has stated that the offer, worth 3.18% on the sector’s total pay bill, is the highest uplift for the lowest points ever offered in New JNCHES negotiations, recognising the current inflationary pressures.
In addition, UCEA and the trade unions completed the second and final New JNCHES dispute resolution meeting for the HE pay negotiating round for 2022-23** last week on 14 July 2022.
We recognise that the majority of staff are seeking a pay uplift urgently (and are not trade union members), not least because of the inflationary pressures affecting everyone at present.
Therefore, the implementation of the pay uplift will take place from 1 August 2022 (or as soon as possible and backdated to that date). This will be paid in the August pay.
You can find details of the increases to pay in our updated pay spine. Full details on University pay, and the numerous other benefits we offer can be found on the People and Organisational Development website. The online pay scales will be updated on 1 August to reflect the new figures.
We understand that the effects of inflation on so many aspects of life is a concern for everybody. We appreciate that it also disproportionately impacts those on lower pay. Therefore, the pay award is weighted accordingly and includes an uplift of up to 9% for those on the lowest points of the pay spine.
Adèle MacKinlay
Director of People and Organisational Development
* The full final offer, trade union claim and the employers’ statement are available.
** The negotiating meetings for 2022-23 were: 30 March, 25 April and 5 May 2022