Tackling harassment and sexual misconduct
03 Nov 2021
As part of the North West Sexual Violence Awareness Week, our University is arranging two events on the topics of harassment and sexual misconduct

We believe that all members of our community have a right to study and work in an environment free from violence or prejudice. Harassment and sexual misconduct are behaviours that are never ok, no matter where it happens or who is involved.
Photography exhibition and call to action: Understanding Gender-based Violence
Wednesday, 10 November, 10am-4pm, University of Manchester Students’ Union, Academy 2
The exhibition will involve a variety of media, intended to provoke thoughts, feelings and actions within its visitors, allowing the public into the centre of what women and other marginalised genders experience on a day to day. The exhibition will split across four exhibit spaces using partition walls to distinguish each area.
The material shared within the exhibit will move from the visitor ‘witnessing’ the quotations and statements of others, to being able to actively interact and find out more about the proactive work happening to tackle harassment and sexual misconduct.
Due to the nature of the content of this exhibit, warning signs and messages will be used frequently outside of and during the exhibit, so that all visitors are entering whilst fully informed of the content included. We will also have staff from the University and St Mary’s available to speak with during the exhibit if required.
Keynote and panel Q&A : How the University is Tackling Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
Wednesday, 10 November 7pm-8:30pm, Roscoe building Theatre B. RSVP required to samantha.stewart@manchester.ac.uk
The University of Manchester, in close collaboration with the Students’ Union and student group Resist Rape Culture, are examining their own current practice in tackling harassment and sexual misconduct, and how we can improve upon this.
Earlier this year, the Office for Students released a Statement of Expectations, outlining the expected standards for all Higher Education Institutions when tackling Harassment and Sexual Misconduct. The University conducted an initial audit based on those recommendations and found we have several areas of best practice, but also areas for development across all seven recommendations.
Additionally over the summer, Resist Rape Culture surveyed the student population to find out more about their experiences as a student, and where they felt we could do more to support them during their time at the University. This survey has formed the basis for eleven recommendations presented to the University.
The University has examined these areas for development and produced 13 priority actions that we commit to take forward during 2022.
This keynote will present both the findings of the Resist Rape Culture survey, and the Priority commitments that we are setting as an institution for the year ahead. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of the University, Students’ Union, Resist Rape Culture and local support services to find out more about what currently exists at the University and in Greater Manchester for victims of harassment and sexual misconduct.
Simon Merrywest, Director for the Student Experience, said: “All students and staff at the University of Manchester have the right to feel safe while living, studying, and working at the University. We want to ensure we are sending the message to all students and members of our wider community that harassment and sexual misconduct will not be tolerated at our institution, and we are committed to tackling harassment and sexual misconduct when it occurs. We hope that attendees during the day will educate themselves on the experiences portrayed during the exhibition and become allies alongside the University in tackling this behaviour.”