Principles for staff returning to work on campus to be confirmed
11 Aug 2020
University developing guidance on priority groups and provision of face coverings

Over the last few weeks, we have been bringing more colleagues back to work on to campus, with more than 570 labs now open and many other colleagues working in our buildings.
However, the position has been, and continues to be, that most staff should expect to be working at home until at least 1 September 2020, unless otherwise advised by their line manager.
We are now in the process of developing new guidelines to enable other priority groups of staff, who will be involved in teaching and student-facing roles to resume working on campus, and this message is to let you know that these will be published by 19 August.
As well as identifying priority groups, we are also making sure that we can open more buildings and workspaces safely, and that the appropriate guidance for teams and individuals is in place for these groups to return.
Initially, we have prepared a video and pamphlet for those coming back in to work, showing what you can expect when you do return to work on campus. These support the more detailed guidance which will follow and can be found on StaffNet.
One of the safety measures we will be putting into place is providing two reusable face coverings for every colleague and student. We will be putting into place mechanisms to distribute them and you will be notified how you will receive yours shortly.
We will communicate the forthcoming changes to guidance with all staff directly and we are continuing to update our campus reopening website.
Please continue to follow the latest guidance and stay safe.
Professor Nalin Thakkar
Vice-President Social Responsibility and Chair of the Campus Reopening and Corporate Support Group.
Further information