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Changes to the Research Notification and Monitoring Process

22 Jul 2020

Important update regarding COVID-19 research

In April 2020, a University-wide process was implemented to manage COVID-19 related requests, to maintain the quality of applications being submitted from our research community at a pace that enabled timely submissions to this scheme.

Over the last few weeks, there have been several developments that have influenced the University to review the current arrangements and, as such, the structures initially established to provide strategic and operational oversight for COVID-19 research are no longer required to the same extent as they initially were. 

To that end, from 17 July we will be amending the process from a Review and Approve to the Notification and Monitoring process.  This is to ensure the University is aware of all COVID-19 research activity across its Faculties and utilise its research evidence to inform public health or policy. The Research Operations Group (ROG) is also keen to strengthen research proposals by creating a critical mass of research expertise and so may connect you to others with complementary interests, equipment/facilities and expertise.  Commensurate with this process, we have significantly refined the process and associated paperwork accordingly. In order to log and monitor COVID-19 research we have reduced the level of detail requested and created an online notification form which requires little time to complete.

You will still need to seek appropriate permissions via your Faculty’s standard research management and approval processes prior to submitting your research notification form. Additionally, to notify the Research Operations Group of your COVID-19 related research, please complete the online notification and monitoring form. This is purely for notification purposes only as no further approval will be required from the COVID-19 Research Operations Group.   For those applications currently under rapid review, these will be completed and returned to you.