An eggs-cellent idea as reading transforms lives
21 Mar 2019
Donate to the Wood Street Mission book appeal 2019

At this time of the year Wood Street Mission usually asks University staff if they would like to donate Easter eggs and other Easter goodies.
However, in keeping with its focus of improving children’s life chances, it is launching a new appeal focused on books for the children it supports.
This new chapter in the Mission’s history needs donations of new children’s books for ages 0 to 16.
Wood Street Mission will distribute the donated books to children they support via their school holiday Book Clubs and Roadshows.
And it will continue to welcome donations of good quality pre-loved books the rest of the year.
To make any individual or group donations, contact Muriel Shingler and she will arrange for any books to be collected and delivered to Goods Receiving Sackville Street Building.
The closing date is Wednesday, 10 April.
Further information
For further information, email: