Day 9 of the 12 Days of Learning: Coaching and Manchester Gold
28 Jan 2019
Coaching and mentoring offer support, advice and guidance

In our busy and demanding roles, it’s often our own personal needs which are neglected, and in many cases it’s our personal development which is overlooked. This is where coaching and mentoring can prove to be invaluable assets.
How does coaching work?
Coaching is a two-person conversation which gives you the space and autonomy to explore your issues, and identify ways to solve them yourself.
This video on Lynda, an online learning resource from LinkedIn, looks at the benefits of coaching skills for leaders and managers.
Manchester Gold
This February, we are relaunching Manchester Gold, the University’s dedicated mentoring programme. It provides support and advice for University colleagues of all grades.
- The benefits of mentoring.
- This video explains the differences between a coach and a mentor, and provides insight for those considering either role.
If you do not have access to Lynda, contact, provides a short explanation of coaching versus mentoring.
Keep checking StaffNet for further information on Manchester Gold, including how you can get involved.
How will mentoring or coaching benefit you? Share your learning for 2019 by tweeting @SLD_UoM and use #InspireandBeInspired