Deadline for final payroll cut off to join KiddiVouchers approaching
28 Aug 2018
The deadline date is Monday, 3 September

In 2017, the Government introduced a new tax-free childcare scheme, with a view to closing existing childcare voucher schemes to new entrants. The deadline to join childcare vouchers is 4 October 2018.
You must join and receive vouchers before the deadline if you want to be able to use childcare vouchers now or in the future. If you are not yet a member of our childcare voucher scheme, you must order your first vouchers in time to receive them in your September pay. We strongly recommend that you register immediately to avoid missing the payroll deadline.
To join our scheme, go to our KiddiVouchers page and enter scheme reference number S439777W. You must do this before your September payroll cut off. The cut-off date for employees paid on the on the 27th of each month is 3 September 2018.
Existing scheme members can continue to enjoy the benefits of the childcare voucher scheme for as long as you remain in your current employment, provided you don’t take a break of more than 52 weeks from receiving vouchers.
The KiddiVouchers team has found that 60% of parents will save more with Childcare Vouchers than with the replacement tax-free childcare scheme. If you would like to know whether childcare vouchers or tax-free childcare provide the most savings for you, simply visit the KiddiVouchers page and use the savings calculator.
More information on our childcare benefits is available.