Wood Street Mission Christmas Project 2015
30 Oct 2015
Donate food and toys to the charity's 145th appeal by 7 December to help local families in need celebrate this year

Wood Street Mission has launched its Toy and Food Appeal Christmas Project 2015.
The charity is asking for donations of new toys and other gifts, books, food or money for the families who use Wood Street Mission.
The van will collect donations from the University’s Goods Receiving Stores at the Sackville Street Building on Friday, 11 December, so please make any donations by Monday, 7 December.
The following donations to the Christmas Project are all welcome:
- Brand new toys and gifts for children up to the age of 16
- New or good second hand children’s books
Please do not wrap any presents. You can, if you wish, donate sheets or rolls of wrapping paper which families can use to wrap the gifts themselves.
Non-perishable food items:
- Tins of vegetables, meat, fish, or fruit
- Tins or packets of soup
- Packets of pasta or rice
- Puddings or desserts
- Biscuits, crackers or savoury snacks
- Boxes of cereals
- Tea, coffee or other hot beverages
- Tins or jars of savoury sauces, jams and pickles
- Chocolate treats
All food items must have an expiry date clearly printed on their packet and must be in date up to the 31 December 2015 at least. For this reason Wood Street cannot accept homemade Christmas cakes. Please do not split multiple packs as dates are not marked on individual items. Wood Street volunteers will split them when making up the hampers.
To donate
To make a donation to the appeal, contact:
- Muriel Shingler on 0161 306 2523 or muriel.shingler@manchester.ac.uk
or - Rose Underwood on 0161 275 2724 or r.underwood@manchester.ac.uk
As always Wood Street Mission is incredibly grateful for your support and would like to thank you in advance for your help with their 145th Christmas Appeal.