Putting us in the picture
19 Jun 2015
Stock Take Report infographics show University’s journey to Manchester 2020

The University’s Stocktake Report provides a detailed appraisal of progress against the goals and key performance indicators of the University’s Strategic Plan, Manchester 2020.
It is a key component of the University’s Planning and Accountability Cycle.
And this year, it was easy to see how far we had come thanks to infographics produced by the Division of Communication and Marketing’s Design Team.
This StaffNet series will highlight each infographic, starting with the one illustrating goal one, World Class Research:
“The University will be one of the top 25 research universities in the world, where internationally-leading researchers produce research of the highest significance and impact. We will be recognised for our interdisciplinary research, for training outstanding researchers and giving parity of esteem to discovery, application, knowledge transfer and impact.”
The infographic shows:
- University research is ranked fifth in the UK, seventh in Europe, 38th in the world in the Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities
- Research income risen from £188 million in 2011/12 to £214 million in 2013/14
- 83% of research submitted to REF ranked 4* and 3* world-leading or internationally excellent
To see the full report, visit: