eMentor provides online learning resources for all
07 Sep 2015
This new website was launched to provide support for leaders and managers in response to feedback from the Staff Survey 2013

Not all personal development is about going on a training course. eMentor is designed to allow you to gain in-sight and knowledge at you finger tips.
eMentor provides you with short and to the point advice that is updated regularly. There is a search function that can help you to find information on specific topics that you are interested in.
This online resource is one of the actions produced by the Leadership and Management Working Group established after the Staff Survey 2013 under the leadership of Professor Keith Brown, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Karen Heaton, Director of Human Resources.
The group agreed that the Staff Training and Development Unit should subscribe to an online good practice resource, The University of Manchester eMentor.
eMentor contains over 4,000 resources, including video, audio, top tips, tools and checklists to support personal and leadership and management development in the University.
President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Nancy Rothwell, said: ‘If you are like me, you will seldom get the chance to read management textbooks and papers. What I much prefer are short to-the-point guidance and tips that are easily available. I am delighted therefore to introduce and commend the University’s e-Mentor resource site."
The resource site is available to all staff and can be accessed on the go via iPad or smart phone.