Evaluation of the Atrium, University Place
01 May 2014
Highlights of the first eight months of operation

The Atrium opened on 23 September 2013, housing several key services for students including the Careers Service, the International Programmes (Study Abroad) Office and the new Information, Advice & Guidance Service.
The opening of the Atrium coincided with the launch of University Place as the campus hub for Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG): a one-stop-shop for student queries with effective referral and signposting to central and specialist services across the University. Students are encouraged to engage with campus life and to “Make the Most of Manchester”.
As well as offering guidance appointments, the Atrium also hosts events throughout the year showcasing opportunities to participate in volunteering activities, study abroad, join societies and other initiatives to enhance their skills and boost employability.
Evaluation data suggests that the first eight months of operation have been very successful. The particular highlights are:
- Student Money Adviser appointments have increased by 204% compared to the full academic year 2012/13.
- Student Support Adviser appointments have totalled 141 to date (this is a new post).
- International Programmes (study abroad) appointments are up by 144%.
- In October, there was an 18.5% increase in Careers Guidance appointments and a 26.8% increase in January 2014.
- Volunteering and community engagement drop-ins: there were 29 from September to December 2013, compared to only two or three from September to December of the previous year.
- We have run over 12 separate events in the Atrium since January, collaborating with colleagues across the University.
- During busy periods, we have well over 2000 visits to the Atrium per week (average 470/day) with Wednesday being the busiest day.
- The students have reacted to the new space very positively indeed describing the Atrium as impressive, calm, welcoming, easy to locate, well-designed, accessible and easy to use.
Contact details
- Visit: The Atrium
- Follow us on Twitter @UoMTheAtrium
- Email: atriumadvice@manchester.ac.uk
- Tel: 0161 275 3781 / 275 3033
If you would like to find out more about the space and the services offered to students, we can arrange small group tours: please email to enquire.