Coral: Something Rich and Strange opens
27 Nov 2013
Opening 29 November

Explore the enduring fascination with coral as a material, symbol and inspiration for artists, cultures and societies across the centuries. Coral: Something Rich and Strange is a major new temporary exhibition which will provide a plethora of fascinating and beautiful objects, telling a story about biodiversity and the importance of marine environments today. Art installations by Mark Dion and textile artist Karen Casper will go alongside our community art project, Manchester’s first Crochet Coral Reef. Paintings, prints and objects on loan from Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester Art Gallery and the V&A will also be on display. Supported by Arts Council England and The Granada Foundation.
29 November 2013-16 March 2014
Free entry
Special Events
All activities are free and drop in, unless specified.
Events for adults
Collection Bites: Translucent Marvels
Wed 4 Dec 2013, 1-2pm
Dr Marion Endt-Jones will talk about Manchester Museum's beautiful glass models of marine invertebrates. The models have fulfilled several roles, even becoming fetish objects in the contemporary art scene.
Book on 0161 275 2648 or, free.
Exhibition tour of Coral: Something Rich and Strange
Wed 11 Dec 2013, 1-2pm
Dr Marion Endt-Jones leads an intimate tour drawing on her own research and showcasing some of our fascination coral objects and artwork.
Book on 0161 275 2648 or, free
After Hours: Coral
Thurs 27 Feb 2014, 6.30-9pm
Encounter the unexpected… Enjoy a highlights tour of the exhibition, see and handle some amazing objects from the museum’s stores and join artists Lucy Burscough and Nicky Colclough to create an amazing hyperbolic crocheted coral reef.
Manchester Museum Book Club
Tues 28 Jan 2014, 5.30-6.30pm
Buy a glass of wine or cup of coffee, meet people and discuss books inspired by the Museum’s new exhibition. This month's book is Rebecca Stott's The Coral Thief.
Events for families
Coral Baby Explorers
Tues 7, 21 Jan 2014, 10.30-11.15am, 11.30-12.15am, 1- 1.45 pm
Join us for our under the sea inspired interactive story and sensory play sessions. For babies who aren’t walking yet.
Booking essential (1 week in advance) 0161 275 2648, free.
Big Saturday: Under the Sea
Sat 25 Jan 2014, 11am-4pm
A day bursting with hands-on craft and art activities for all the family. Meet experts, hear under the sea stories and find out more about the magnificent creatures that live under the sea.
Magic Carpet: Under the Sea
Friday 31 Jan 2014, 10.30-11.30am & 11.30am-12.30pm
Storymaking and activity session for under 5s and their families/carers.
Book on 0161 275 2648 (from a week before), free, under 5s and their families/carers
February Half Term
Mon 17 Feb – Fri 21 Feb 2014, 11am – 4pm
Create under the sea creatures and mythical monsters inspired by the Coral exhibition
You can find out more about all the Museum’s events at