Not “Cash in the Attic” but Treasures from the Cellars!
05 Nov 2013
The Friends of Tabley will be hosting a chance to glimpse rarely seen objects from The Tabley House Collection on 21 November (2.30pm) in the Gallery at Tabley House. Forgotten Treasures, a one off event, with a presentation from the curatorial team and the opportunity for people to get a closer look at the objects concerned.

With thousands of objects to chose from, the list of ten objects to be revealed has not been finalised but it is likely to be a combination of archive material; e.g. the 1st Lord de Tabley’s scrapbook from 1823-24 which documents JMW Turner’s visit to the house; some precious artefacts e.g. a Bohemian Antique Glass Beaker from 1694; some exotic souvenirs from the Leicester family’s travels; and more everyday objects used by the family.
Anna Bates, Assistant Curator says, “There are over 11 thousand objects listed in the Collection and only a third of them are on permanent display in the show rooms. This is a wonderful opportunity to share more of the Collection with the public and for them to learn more about the history of the family and the house from the objects that they used and collected. Many of these objects are also too delicate to go on display, or would be protected in a display cabinet, but for this event only, visitors will be able to get a very close look at each of these objects before they are returned to safe storage.”
Money raised at the events will go towards large and small conservation projects for The Tabley House Collection. In recent months donations from the Friends have restored an old hour glass, previously used to keep sermons to a precise 32 minutes in St. Peter’s Chapel, and a library table. Both restored objects are on display within the Tabley House Collection.
Tickets for the talk cost £14 or £12 for Friends and Volunteers and includes tea and cake to be served afterwards.
- Anna Smyth 01565 651979 or