MOSAIC programme opens the way to personal and professional progress
14 Aug 2013
Participants are full of praise for an innovative personal and career development programme for men and women which will be running again from March 2014.

“The MOSAIC programme will help you re-discover your direction and purpose and provide you with a route map to reach your personal and professional potential.”
This may seem like a very high claim, but staff who have attended the MOSAIC programme run by the STDU during the last two years confirm that it does exactly what it says on the tin!
Johanna Delany, Customer Services Co-ordinator, recently completed this year’s course: “I think the thing I learned the most is that it’s very easy to let negativity move in and take over everything. On this course I’ve learned to seek out the positive about every situation and use it to my advantage.”
Stephanie Walters, Staff Development Advisor, explained that the idea for MOSAIC was born from another successful course run by the STDU, the Springboard Development Programme for Women. Springboard is aimed at all women, whatever their age, background, role or job category, who want to make changes in their lives, whether these are related to work, home, social activities or relationships. It was noted that there was no equivalent training for men who expressed an interest in doing a similar course and so MOSAIC was developed for everyone, regardless of gender, race, age and disability.
Stephanie said, “The course helps staff gain more confidence. When they know there’s something missing but they can’t really explain what it is, we help identify where their strengths and real interests lie."
MOSAIC (which stands for Maximising Our Skills And Inspiring Confidence) is an innovative personal and career development programme, delivered in a series of five one-day taught modules. The ultimate aim of the course is to help staff overcome barriers to their progess in both their personal and business lives.
Stephanie Marsh, who works in the Directorate of Estates and Facilities, attended the course in 2012. She explained, “It’s not that I didn’t like my job but I didn’t know what to do with the future. This course helped me to identify skills and then showed me how to change my own mindset so that I could meet problem areas in my current job and actually challenge what I didn’t like. ”
And Jonathan White, a Senior Information Technology Officer who completed this year’s course, concurs, “I had reached a point where I had come to a halt and I needed a kick in the backside. I’m now much more pro-active than I was before. I face problems rather than ignoring them. The course really gave me the push I needed to start moving again.”
Want to sign up for MOSAIC or Springboard?
Register online for the next MOSAIC Development Programme starting in March 2014 at:
Register for the Springboard Development Programme for Women starting in February 2014 at: