What’s on in August?
01 Aug 2024
Welcome to the first edition of ‘What’s on?’. Here you will find everything you can get involved in for free each month, ranging from cultural, extracurricular and celebratory events and activities.

Duncan Ivison’s first open meeting
We are delighted to invite all colleagues to welcome Professor Duncan Ivison on Tuesday, 6 August 12-2pm.
University of Manchester at Pride 2024
Represent the University as a part of the Manchester Pride Parade on Saturday, 24 August.
Our cultural institutions
Jodrell Bank: Science Exhibitions on Tour
The Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition travels to Jodrell Bank to showcase the forefront of scientific research in the UK.
- 3 to 4 August: Microbial Puppet Masters; Revolutionising Rehabilitation; Decoding the DNA Tree of Life; In Your Element; Lego Rovers
- 10 to 11 August: The Cancer Code; Galaxy Makers; Photon Science Institute; Electric Dreams
Manchester Museum exhibitions in August
All August: Wild – A focus on the natural world and repairing our connection to nature
3 August to 1 September: A Sense of Flora – Daksha Patel’s installation on biodiversity, identity and food security drawing inspiration from the museum’s botanical collections
Until 25 August: Pride Tours – Celebrating stories of gender, sexuality, identity and community in the museum’s collections
Whitworth Art Gallery
1 August: The Grey Area Writing Group & Book Club (6pm to 8.30pm)
Until 25 August: John Lyons: Carnivalesque
All August:
- Ayo Akingbade Show Me The World Mister
- The ‘Death’ of the Life Room
- Alison Wilding: Sculptor’s Drawings
- Shirley Craven’s post-war designer exhibition
- Everyday Art School
- Exchanges’ display of art and textiles
- Anya Gallaccio’s commission on nature and architecture
Our community
Religious celebrations and traditions
Be aware of the religious traditions that many of our colleagues observe during the month of August.
- 13 August: Obon (Buddhism)
- 13 August: Fast of Tisha B’Av (Judaism)
- 19 August: Raksha Bandhan (Hinduism)
- 26 August: Janmashtami (Hinduism)
Awareness days
23 August: International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
Until 17 August: South Asian History Month
Groups and societies
University Staff Golf Society
The Golf Society is back with a new series of fixtures. Colleagues are invited to sign up now in time for the first tee off in September by contacting membership secretary Mike Fergie on Michael_Fergie@hotmail.com. September fixtures are Stand Golf Club, Astbury and Stockport.
Want to feature your event next month?
If your event is free and open to all colleagues at the University, you can advertise it here next month!
Submit your suggestion to uninews@manchester.ac.uk by 25 of each month to feature in the following month. Please send us a short description (max 30 words) and any relevant links you may have too.
Please note that we unfortunately cannot guarantee your submission will feature, but we will do our best to feature as many as we can.
The deadline to feature in September’s ‘What’s on?’ is 25 August. Any questions, just drop us an email!