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Love giving during Payroll Giving Month

12 Feb 2024

Colleagues have donated over £1.6 million to local, national and international causes. Find out how you can get involved with Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving Month takes place each February. We are using the opportunity to raise awareness of our Purple Pennies and Purple Pounds schemes, and how you can better support a cause you care about via Payroll Giving. 

Get involved 

Purple Pennies – donate the pennies from your salary 

Purple Pennies is the University’s micro-donation scheme that was launched in 2023. 

With the scheme you can donate the pennies from your salary towards three charitable causes voted for by our colleagues – Wood Street Mission, Re-write Cancerand Supporting Manchester Students.  

If you opt in, your salary will be rounded down to the nearest pound, meaning you will never donate more than 99p a month. So if you earn £2,000.23, only 23p will be added to the Purple Pennies funds. 

Purple Pounds – tax-free donations 

Purple Pounds is our payroll giving scheme which allows you to donate to any UK charity from your pay tax-free.  

Contributions are deducted from gross pay before tax is calculated by the payroll department. Donating to charities tax-free directly through your salary is the most tax-efficient way to give. 

Payroll giving donations are taken from pay after National Insurance but before tax. A donation of £5 a month would costyou £4 from your take-home pay (if you pay 20% tax) or £3 (if you pay 40% tax). 

You can increase, decrease, or terminate your donations at any time! 

Your donations make an impact 

Incredibly, colleagues have donated over £1.6 million to local, national and international causes.  

In 2023 alone, your donations to 241 charities via Purple Pounds made over £139,000.  

Below you can hear from one of the charitiesbenefiting. 


More information