Never OK: How to report sexual harassment or violence and the support available
06 Dec 2023
We're committed to promoting an environment and culture where sexual harassment or violence is never tolerated.

We invest more than any other Russel Group university in the country on support for survivors of any form of sexual harassment, including our specialist Sexual Violence & Harassment Response Team.
Sexual harassment is any kind of unwanted behaviour with either explicit or implicit sexual overtones that makes you feel humiliated or intimidated, or that creates a hostile environment. All forms of sexual harassment are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
How do I report an incident?
Report + Support
Students and staff can report an incident using the University’s Report and Support system. Unless you are in immediate danger or are reporting an emergency to the police, we encourage you to do this as your first action in the reporting process so that we can most effectively support you and guide you through your next steps. You can choose to do this anonymously or you can request support from an advisor. If you choose to talk to an advisor, they will be able to talk through the options and support available to you, in confidence.
The Report + Support webpage also has additional information available:
When I make a report, what happens next?
All reports come through to the Advice and Response Service.
The Advice and Response Service provide holistic, trauma-informed support to students who have experienced any form of gender-based violence, harassment or hate. The team is made up of specialist caseworkers who provide confidential, practical, and emotional support to students.
An Advice and Response caseworker will respond to your report within two working days.
Reporting to the police
If sexual harassment escalates into violence, threats or sexual assault, you can report this to the police by calling 101 or contacting your local police force. If you or someone you’re with is in immediate danger, or it is a time-sensitive emergency, call the police on 999.
Monthly drop-ins
Last year, Advice and Response launched a Sexual Violence drop-in with Trafford Rape Crisis and the Students’ Union to support students and staff affected by sexual violence. The drop-in’s purpose is to offer advice, support, or a listening ear to any student to talk about any form of sexual violence.
The next drop-in will take place on Thursday, 7 December 2023, 12pm–2pm and you can find all drop-in dates on our Student Support page.
More information
- You can find out more about our Never OK campaign — including what we’ve done so far and additional support and resources.