Interested in getting back into netball?
17 Aug 2023
Join our postgraduate student or staff teams

Did you watch England's silver medal-winning performance at the Netball World Cup and think - that's a sport I want to get into/get back into?
We have two Postgraduate Student/Staff teams that play in the women’s netball University Campus League and are looking for new players for the 2023/24 season. We are also setting up training for people of all levels of experience through Sporticipate.
The Campus League play on Wednesday evenings, October-April/May during term time. We are still setting up training, but are looking to hold it during the early evening near campus, so people can join in before heading home.
If you would like to hear about the training, please contact us so we can add you to the mailing list. If you have any questions, we’d love to hear from you.
We have been involved in netball at the University for a number of years, and have welcomed Academic, PS, Technical Services and PGR colleagues into our teams over the years. Our age (and fitness!) range is very mixed, and we’d welcome anyone who wants to come and give it a go!
Contact us to find out more:
- Kate Smith (
- Sharon Muskett (
- Cassandra Hodgkinson (