New podcast: improving cancer screening uptake in the LGBTQIA+ community
19 Apr 2023
Our latest One in Two episode looks at how to improve cancer screening uptake in the LGBTQIA+ community and other marginalised groups, with Dr Jen Davies-Oliveira and Stewart O’Callaghan

One in Two: A Manchester Cancer Research Podcast
Screening access challenges with Dr Jen Davies-Oliveira and Stewart O’Callaghan: How to improve cancer screening uptake in the LGBTQIA+ community and other marginalised groups
This week, the Manchester Cancer Research Centre together with our University are pleased to launch a special episode of One in Two: A Manchester Cancer Research Podcast.
We speak to Dr Jen Davies-Oliveira, a researcher and PhD student at our University and Stewart O’Callaghan, the Founder and Chief Executive of Live Through This, the UK’s only LGBTQIA+ Cancer charity. We discuss challenges that LGBTQIA+ people face when accessing cancer care in the UK, Jen’s research project in alternative cervical screening which aims to tackle some of these inequalities and Stewart’s experiences as a person living with cancer, how they came to set up their charity and how it is aligned with research.
- Listen now on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Spotify playlist, Stitcher, Libsyn
- Other episodes are available to stream at One in Two: A Manchester Cancer Research Podcast