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Short term adjustments to SEP activities

17 Mar 2020

The University's contingency planning for COVID-19 is currently having a big impact on the workload and availability of SEP leaders

Last week the SEP Programme Board approved some immediate actions to account for this:

  • Cohort 2 people and structures activity is paused for two weeks as of today. All engagement sessions are postponed and working group Chairs may stand down from the away day (17/18 March). We do not expect anyone to work on cohort 2 people and structures activity during this time, unless they have capacity.
  • Cohort 2 process and technology activity will continue. We believe the impact of COVID-19 planning on these colleagues is less acute, however if you work in this area please flag any exceptions.
  • Cohort 1 activity will continue as per the current plan. Please remember that colleagues impacted by the proposals will continue to require our support.
  • Cohort 1 business readiness activity will continue, including the transition workshops. We will support this activity where possible with resource from the programme team.

The programme team are currently planning contingencies for the medium term. Even with the changes listed above, we believe we can still deliver the programme within the agreed timeframe. We're considering ideas and strategies to deliver cohort 2 people and structures outputs on time - we'll circulate more information as soon as we have it.

Catherine Grills

Head of Business Change

Student Experience Programme