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Our Mission

The Institute of Teaching and Learning (ITL) is an academic centre created to support teaching quality, embed innovative teaching methods and lead on university-wide strategic projects.  We are committed to fostering and celebrating a culture of teaching excellence. Through effective and collegial partnership we will enable ongoing professional development for the teaching aspects of your role, supported and tailored to meet your needs.

Meet the team

The Institute of Teaching and Learning (ITL) forms part of the Education Development team within within the Division of Student and Academic Services (SAS), and is part of the Directorate for the Student Experience (DSE). You can contact our core ITL team if you have any queries around programmes or events, or if you would like to discuss the development opportunities and support available to you.

Patricia Clift Martin, Teaching and Learning Manager

Patricia Clift Martin

Patricia has worked at the University of Manchester since 2002, following graduation from the University of Leeds with a Masters (by Research) in decision making models. Since 2002 she has worked on a wide range of internally and externally funded projects including student retention, learning dispositions, developing Higher Education Achievement Reports, and online personal development resources for students.

Since 2014 Patricia’s work has focused on academic development firstly through the Centre for Higher Education Research, Innovation and Learning (CHERIL) and now through the Institute of Teaching and Learning which she helped to establish from idea to implementation. Patricia's interests are in whole programme design, assessment models and effective academic leadership. Patricia is a Principle Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA).

Contact Patricia

Emma Sanders, Teaching and Learning Officer

Emma Sanders

An interest in quality assurance and teaching policy led Emma to the Faculty of Humanities’ Teaching and Learning Office (2005 - 2017), where she worked on a variety of teaching and learning-related projects as well as taught programme development, approval and review. Between 2017 and 2019 Emma managed the University’s Differential Attainment Project, where she enjoyed working with staff and students from across the institution to explore this complex issue. Within the Institute of Teaching and Learning she is interested in Academic Integrity, Academic Advising, and working with student partners on these topics. She supports the Senior Advisors' Network and several Institute Fellows.  

Emma is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and she holds PGCEs in Professional Practice (AUA/The Open University) and Higher Education (The University of Manchester), as well as a Trinity College Certificate in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).

Contact Emma

Lisa McDonagh, Teaching and Learning Officer

Lisa McDonagh

Lisa joined the University in October 2019 having worked in academic skills teaching and academic development in other institutions, supporting students and staff across a range of disciplines. These roles included a particular focus on widening participation and supporting transition to HE. She also has a background in student support and in careers guidance.

Lisa is a Senior Fellow of the HEA, a Certified Practitioner in Learning Development (ALDinHE) and holds Postgraduate Certificates in Higher and Professional Education and in Careers Guidance.

Contact Lisa

Holly Dewsnip-Lloyd, Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator

Holly Dewsnip

Holly began working at the University in August 2013 after completing her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University. Holly supports and coordinates the delivery of the Institute’s training and development programmes and has five years’ experience of working in training and development.

Holly is an Associate Fellow of the HEA and enjoys supporting and enabling colleagues to take up training and development opportunities that will enhance their personal and professional development.

Contact Holly

Freya Corrywright, Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Administrator

Picture of Freya Corrywright

Freya was a project assistant on the Differential Attainment Project from 2018-2019, an extremely positive experience which led to her re-joining the University of Manchester via the Institute of Teaching and Learning, in 2022. Her interest in improving pedagogy through egalitarianism and widening participation was developed during the Differential Attainment project, and continues to drive her work to this day.  

In 2017 she had completed an Undergraduate and Masters degree at the University of Manchester, in History and Classics and Ancient History respectively. The experience developed a deep interest in academia, teaching, and learning, that helps to inform her activities with ITL.  

Contact Freya

Beth Rotherham, Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Administrator

Picture of Beth Rotherham

Beth graduated from the University of Manchester with an MChem Chemistry (Hons) in 2020. During her degree she was a PASS Leader and Student Coordinator for the Chemistry PASS Scheme (2017-2020), during this time she achieved her Associate Fellowship of the HEA.

In 2020 she joined the Peer Support Team as a Student Engagement Graduate Officer where she helped support the running of PASS and Peer Mentoring Schemes across the university. All her experiences of being both a student and staff within Peer Support showed her the benefits of working in partnership with students for all those involved.

Contact Beth

Esme Davies, Higher Education Intern

Esme graduated from the University of Manchester with a BA in Linguistics in 2022. Soon after, she joined the University as a graduate intern working on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) submission. During her degree, she was a PASS leader and a Dual-delivery Facilitator. These experiences showed Esme some of the many aspects of higher education, and developed her interest in making teaching and learning more accessible, particularly through the use of technology.

Stephen Urwin, Higher Education Intern

With a background in Film Production and a Masters by Research in Visual-Sampling, Stephen aims to blend creative flair with academic rigor. As a dynamic contributor to University Recruitment, Marketing, and academic support, Stephen is passionate about fostering cross-disciplinary approaches for fresh insights. From energizing blogs and spearheading new academic programs to collaborating on ITL Fellows, Stephen focuses on cultivating an environment where diverse disciplines converge, generating innovative frameworks and transformative learning experiences.


For more information about the Institute, or if you would like to get in contact,  please email us at:

Strategic and Visiting Fellows

Professor Julie Hulme

Julie Hulme

Julie is Professor of Psychology Education at Nottingham Trent University, where she is employed on a 'Teaching and Scholarship' career pathway. A National Teaching Fellow and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Julie champions reward and recognition for people employed in teaching-focused roles in universities, including leading the Professors in Preparation network, which she set up in 2018. Julie is an active and enthusiastic scholar of Higher Education, drawing on psychological theory and research methods to promote inclusion for students and staff, as well as a qualified coach, and a Chartered Psychologist. 

Dr Miriam Firth

Julie Hulme

Dr Miriam Firth is a Strategic Fellow of the Institute of Teaching and Learning (ITL) leading the University’s PURE profile project. This year long project is in conjunction with the ITL and Research & Business Engagement Support Services teams. The project will accomplish two core activities 1) increase access to PURE profiles for all T&S staff so that every academic in the UoM has a PURE profile, and 2) guide all staff to add their Teaching expertise and experiences into PURE profiles to effectively showcase our Teaching and Scholarship prowess across the institution

Senior Advisors' Network

The Institute of Teaching and Learning coordinates and supports the University’s Senior Advisors’ Network, a community of practitioners which meets quarterly to shape, discuss and oversee the implementation of the University's Policy for Advising Taught Students and Guidance on Advising. Senior Advisors (SAs) act as key stakeholders for decisions around advising within their area and across the University, and are a central point for communication between their areas and central and academic services. SAs also report to their Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee on the annual evaluation of the advising programme within their School or discipline.

In addition to this network, ITL monitors and supports an Academic Advisors’ Support Network (on Viva Engage), which is an online discussion forum open to all staff for sharing resources and student support initiatives, and discussing the best ways of engaging and supporting students and each other.


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