Role Model for Inclusion
Role modelling for inclusion is about our managers encouraging and inspiring others to act inclusively, to engage and value the diversity of thought and background within and beyond their teams, and practice an inclusive approach.
Behavioural Statements
- I encourage and inspire all those around me to engage in change that promotes diversity and inclusion.
- I reward inclusive behaviour and challenge non-inclusive behaviours in myself and others.
- I ensure equal and fair access to opportunities.
- I foster a 'one team' mindset where all feel valued and can thrive.
Example of on-the-job development activities (70)
Facilitate a discussion to collectively draw up a team development plan to make the most of people’s strengths, diverse backgrounds and motivations.
Ask colleagues for feedback on how well you listen. Research what active listening means and develop a plan to improve how to listen and notice the change in relationship where you actively listen more.
Make sure opportunities are promoted in all your team and individual activities i.e. local newsletters, memo’s, team meeting, individual review etc.
Be open and encourage input from every team member at the start or end of meetings. Notice the quality of conversation when more people have the chance to contribute.
Example of social and peer learning activities (20)
Explore other teams' ways of working that promotes diversity and inclusion. Share best practice and develop a checklist that helps the team to continually review these areas.
Benchmark another organisation / institution to find out how they reward inclusive behaviour. Establish what you can implement. Also explore how they deal with non-inclusive behaviours.
Talk to the support teams that can help to review and audit if you are ensuring equal and fair access to opportunities i.e. P&OD Partner, EDI Team etc.
Set up three Action Learning Set with your peers to explore the challenges involved in fostering a fully diverse and inclusive team.
Recommended Learning Resources (10)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (Staffnet)
Diversity and Inclusion overview (L&D Toolkit)
Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for Leaders and Managers (LinkedIn)
Recognising all work (LinkedIn)
Ensure others have an equal chance to succeed (LinkedIn)
Do you lead diversity? (L&D Toolkit)
Increasing collaboration in your team (LinkedIn)
An everyone culture (L&D Toolkit)
Suggested reflection / discussion questions
Describe what you will do to encourage and inspire everyone to ensure diversity and inclusion is a priority, not an add on?
What do you do now to reward inclusive behaviours and challenge non-inclusive behaviours? How inclusive is your team 1 – not at all to 10 – very inclusive. How can you maintain 10?
Where do you feel you excel with equal and fair access to opportunities? Where do you feel you need to improve?
How do you build time in a busy schedule where items focus more on operational items versus building a team that all feel valued and thrive?