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Guidance on wearing face coverings on campus

07 Oct 2020

Face coverings must be worn within indoor settings on campus

Dear colleagues

Staff are reminded that wearing a face covering is mandatory within all indoor settings on campus and a legal requirement in some parts of our University.

Wearing a face covering is an additional safety measure along with social distancing and is in place to keep yourself and others safe.  The University is providing every member of staff with two washable face coverings and you can get hold of these from your line manager, supervisor or PI when you return to campus.

The places on campus where it is a legal requirement to wear a face covering include libraries, visitor attractions and hospitality venues.  The police have enforcement powers in these areas and can issue fines if people fail to comply with the law without a valid exemption.

Indoor settings on campus where wearing a face mask is mandatory include communal areas such as foyers, corridors, stairs, toilets, kitchens and circulation spaces in shared offices.  If you work in an office setting, you can remove your face covering whilst seated at your desk, so long as you can maintain two metre social distance from others.  It is also mandatory for staff working in laboratories and workshops to wear disposable face coverings which must be changed every four hours.  These will be provided by line managers. 

Colleagues involved in face-to-face teaching are encouraged to discuss with their students any issues relating to wearing face coverings.  If a student asks you to remove your face covering so they can hear you better whilst teaching and you are happy to do so because you can maintain 2 metre social distancing, you may remove your face covering in indoor settings.  If you are not happy to remove your face covering you do not have to but are encouraged to discuss with your students alternative solutions. 

Some staff and students may be exempt from wearing face coverings on health or disability grounds and you can find further details on exemptions at our face covering FAQs.

It's important for everyone to follow the guidelines to keep themselves and others safe. We are confident that all members of our University community will do the right thing. You can politely remind people of the guidelines if they aren’t following them. If you still have concerns, you can report these by emailing  If staff consistently refuse to wear a face covering in indoor settings without medical exemption then disciplinary action may be taken.

Wearing a face mask outdoors on campus is not required but you are encouraged to do so.

Thank you for your support on this important issue which is in place to help keep our University community safe.

Professor Nalin Thakkar

Vice-President for Social Responsibility

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