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Submit People Forms

People & OD Operations is going through a period of transformation during which we seek to gradually move away from paper-based processes to online forms to deliver greater speed, efficiency and transparency.  We have also moved the remaining paper-based processes to be handled by e-mail only due to accommodate the majority of University staff remote working during the global pandemic.

We continue to have a wide range of people you may be seeking to make payments to, some of who will have multiple relationships with the University.  How we are able to pay these people is often dependent on that relationship, and as always there is a need to ensure appropriate approvals have been secured and these are auditable.

We have sought therefore to produce a comprehensive overview of the various methods of instructing us to appoint new starters, make changes, and pay fees and expenses to different staff groups, to help you navigate to the correct process you require, and the latest detailed guidance for each process. 

We welcome feedback on any process that you would like to see listed below to

Non-University and External Personnel Fees and Expenses (PR7) form

The Non-University and External Personnel Fees and Expenses (PR7) form is available here and when completed and approved should be submitted to  Guidelines for claimants are here.

These payments are processed monthly and therefore if submitted on time the claimant will be paid with the end of month pay run.  See the payroll deadlines document for information.

Please also note the following:

  • This form should not be sent to Payroll if the claimant has submitted an invoice and Unique Tax Reference number; this should be processed via Accounts Payable in Finance. 
  • The PR7 form is for payment to external staff and contractors. Students on Tier 4 visas are not permitted to be self-employed or engage in business activity, therefore they cannot be set up or paid as suppliers or independent contractors using the PR7 process.  If a Tier 4 student needs to be paid for subsistence, this needs to be arranged via Student Services; e-mail:


Appoint a new starter following recruitment

Your approved Post and Contract Management (PCM) form will have been sent to People & OD Operations already, to request the advert.

Now you have selected your appointee, send a New Appointment Form to (with the exception of R-coded appointments in Science & Engineering which should be sent to your Research Support Office in the first instance, who will check and send them on to People & OD Operations).

The New Appointment Form should be approved by Head of School or Department if Professional Services (e-mail approval is acceptable). 

Please also attach:

  • the references you have sought
  • relevant approval if you have appointed above the grade minima

When sending the e-mail please include the following in the e-mail subject header: Name, Start Date, Vacancy Reference Number, and the words "New Appointment Form".  This will assist us to prioritise accordingly for the next available payroll.

Appoint a new starter (direct or 'named-on-grant' appointments)

Send a New Appointment Form to (with the exception of R-coded appointments in Science & Engineering which should be sent to your Research Support Office in the first instance, who will check and send them on to People & OD Operations).

The New Appointment Form should be approved by Head of School or Department if Professional Services (e-mail approval is acceptable). 

Please also attach:

When sending the e-mail please include the following in the e-mail subject header: Name, Start Date, Vacancy Reference Number, the words "New Appointment Form", and state that it is a direct/named on grant appointment.  This will assist us to prioritise accordingly for the next available payroll.

Casual Worker (CAS) forms

The full guidance on use of Casuals is available here, including links to the relevant forms.  In summary, the key forms are:

  • The CAS1 form, used to request approval locally and then submitted to to inform us of the appointment.  This is People & OD's instruction to set them up on the Timesheet system with an end date after which they will be deleted, and timesheets can no longer be submitted.
  • The CAS2 and CAS3 forms are for completion by the casual worker and submission to  If they do not do this they cannot be paid even if timesheets have been approved, so please ensure they have done so before allowing them to start work.
  • Timesheets for the workers should be submitted online using the Online Timesheet accessible via MyManchester by local Administrators; before being approved in the same system by local Approvers.  This system replaced the previous CAS4 form for timesheets.  Please contact Employment Services if there is any problem with submitting timesheets online. 

Casual appointments are approved by a Director of Faculty Operations, PS Director or PS Head of function or Head of School (or their delegated deputy). Approval is demonstrated by signature on the CAS1 form. Approval of timesheets is by authorised signatories in the timesheet system.

Casual workers are paid monthly and therefore if they are set up, have returned their paperwork and the timesheet has been both submitted and approved on time the claimant will be paid with the end of month pay run.  See the payroll deadlines document for information including the deadlines for Casual timesheets to be submitted.


Change of address

Current members of staff can update their home address online themselves using MyView.

If you have left the University and wish to inform us of a change of address please contact


Notify People & OD Operations of a leaver

We have rolled out a new online form for notifying People & OD Operations of leavers.  This form should now be used for all leavers.

A guidance note on the new procedure, together with FAQs is available here, and the leaver form itself is available here.   

In all cases we should be instructed as soon as possible, with their planned end date and information about any outstanding leave to be paid with and/or deducted from their final salary.  If someone is leaving mid-month we need to be informed before the payroll deadline for that month to prevent an overpayment.  

As well as informing us of the leaver, managers are responsible for the completion of a mandatory leaver checklist that can be completed online.  Managers may find the How to manage a resignation guide useful.

Guidance for leavers themselves is available here.

Internal Staff Expenses

Expenses for internal staff should be claimed using the Online Expenses portal accessed via MyView.  For more information about using Online Expenses including help guides please see here, and guidance about expenses and what can be claimed is here.

These payments are processed weekly with payments received by staff on Fridays if they have a UK bank account.  Note that payments into overseas bank accounts may credit on different dates depending on the country, usually no more than a few days later.


Internal Staff Fees (PR5) form

The internal Staff Fees (PR5) form is available here and when completed and approved should be submitted to

These payments are processed monthly and therefore if submitted on time the claimant will be paid with the end of month pay run.  See the payroll deadlines document for information.


External Candidate Interview Expenses Claim (PR8) Form

Interviews should not be taking place on campus while it is partially closed and wherever possible video interviews are encouraged.

The interview expenses claim form for external candidates is available here; it should be sent with the invitation to interview if travel will be required, and when completed it should be submitted to  Guidance for claimants is in the form, and the policy for hiring managers is here.

Interview expenses are procesed by the Payroll team on a weekly basis with payments being made into UK bank accounts on Tuesdays.  Please note that payments into overseas bank accounts may credit on different dates depending on the country, usually no more than a few days later.  


Internal Staff Relocation (PR17) form

The internal Staff Relocation (PR17) form is available here and when completed and approved it should be submitted to your Faculty Employment Services Team People and OD Operations | Directorate of People and Organisational Development | StaffNet | The University of Manchester.  Information about claiming Relocation Expenses is available here, with broader guidance about Relocation in general here.

These payments are processed monthly and therefore if submitted on time the claimant will be paid with the end of month pay run.  See the payroll deadlines document for information.


External Examiners - UG and Taught PG only (PR9) form

The Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate External Examiners (PR9) form is available here

Claimants must complete the form and return it to the Teaching and Learning Support Office (TLSO); the TLSO will then submit the claim to  Guidelines for claimants on their expenses is here and TLSO information for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate External Examiners more generally is here.

PR9 claims expenses are procesed by the Payroll team on a weekly basis with payments being made into UK bank accounts on Tuesdays.  Please note that payments into overseas bank accounts may credit on different dates depending on the country, usually no more than a few days later.   


External Examiners - Postgraduate Research only

The process for payment of External Examiners for Postgraduate Research students is dependent on whether the External Examiners is submitting an invoice as genuinely self-employed and providing a Unique Tax Reference (UTR) number.  In this situation the invoice should not be sent to Payroll for processing but instead be paid via Accounts Payable.

Alternately if they are not providing an invoice and UTR number, a claim form can be submitted to Payroll at  Guidance for the claimant is available here.

A flowchart showing these two routes is available here.


Public Contribution Expenses (PR20) form - Research Volunteers, Teaching Volunteers, Lay Participants, Participants in Clinical Trials

The PR20 form is available here; after it has been e-mailed to the budget or grant holder for electronic signature approval, followed by the authorised signatory, it should be e-mailed for processing to

Whilst our SLA for PR20 claims is 28 days, the Payroll Team process these expenses on a weekly basis with payments being made into UK bank accounts on Tuesdays.  Please note that payments into overseas bank accounts may credit on different dates depending on the country, usually no more than a few days later.   

Approvals and Deadlines

For clarity and consistency across Professional Services (PS) and Faculties, a matrix has been produced to outline the approval and sign off processes for new and replacement staff rolesextensions to fixed-term contracts, and other contractual changes resulting in a budgetary increasesuch as increase to a member of staff’s hours. Faculties, PS Directorates and our Cultural Institutions have their own local requirements which are outlined in the matrix here 

The deadlines for submission of paperwork for payment in each month are published here.

Help us process fees and expenses faster

For each fee or expense process above there is a link to the full guidance available on Staffnet, where you will find precise details of what needs to be submitted in order for claims of that nature to be processed. 

However, following this general guidance will ensure that staff are paid as quickly as possible:

  • Expense claims should be made within 3 months of the expense being incurred.
  • Receipts should be attached to expense claims; we accept photos/scans.  Note that that the checking of receipts for appropriateness of the claim should be done within the School/Directorate before it is approved, as Payroll will process as submitted.
  • For fees, an amount to be paid must always be provided; this cannot be decided by Payroll so if it is missing it will lead to a delay.
  • For all types of fee and expense claims, personal details including National Insurance numbers and bank details must be fully completed.
  • An active/open Finance Activity Code is also always required for both fees and expense claims; if it is closed at the point that the claim is processed by Payroll this will result in a delay as we will come back to you and request that you liaise with Finance to re-open or supply an alternative code.
  • Fee and expense claims can only be approved by someone in the authorised signatories database for that Finance Activity Code; you can check who can approve against each code here:  Their approval by e-mail needs to submitted.  Additionally, there should be an e-mail from the relevant SLT approver or their delegate attached; please see the Coronavirus FAQs for more on this interim measure:
  • Tax and NI will be deducted from fee payments for overseas workers unless they have completed and returned a CWG2 form.